Opening a Staffing Branch Office

183682866Company expansions are exciting, but it doesn’t mean that the process is simple. Creating an IT staffing branch office in particular is a complicated, thoughtful process. There is the multi-faceted undertaking of finding a new location — one that is close to clients, accessible for employees and candidates who use both public transportation and their own cars, and doesn’t break the bank.  After finding a location, there is the project of buying and getting furniture, computers, office supplies, internet service, phones, etc to it.  This new location must be properly advertised and added into websites, marketing materials, etc.  But the most difficult and important task in creating a branch office for an IT recruiting firm is ironically the hiring.

Why is a good, thorough hiring process so imperative to opening an excellent branch of an IT recruiting company? It’s because a staffing company isn’t selling a generic product. It’s selling a service — a service that takes, time, practice and excellent employees to provide. Starting a new branch requires an IT staffing company to find people who not only competently practice (or are capable of practicing) their particular method of recruiting. These people must also possess a rare blend of the kind of personality, customer service, and attitude that their brand cultivates. What’s harder still is finding a manager for that office. Managers at staffing companies need to possess everything the IT recruiters do, but they also need to be able to guide technical recruiters in their method and their demeanor with clients and candidates. Managers should also be equipped to deal with new and unexpected issues for the office.  Opening branch offices in IT staffing is all about finding a rare, priceless resource — your company’s ideal employee — over and over again until all headsets have ears to rest on.

Over the last six months or so, AVID Technical Resources has been engaged in opening our new branch in San Francisco.  The work has been hard, but we’re excited to have launched our third office in California. Most important, we’re most excited about the team of people we’ve chosen to build the office … because at the end of the day, any new expansion office is only going to be as successful as the people working in it.

PREMIUM CONTENT: Most effective marketing & sales tactics for staffing firms

Samantha Keefe
Samantha Keefe is the interactive marketing manager for AVID Technical Resources, a Boston-based IT recruiting firm with offices all over the U.S. She can be reached at samantha.keefe (at) avidtr (dot) com.

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