Predictive Analytics and Value-Based Healthcare

Value-based care and reimbursement require healthcare facilities to implement new programs that promote high quality care, reduce readmissions and raise patient satisfaction scores. ...

Is Inside-Out Thinking Crippling Your Talent Strategy? It’s Time for a Holistic Approach

We all know that business leaders are nervous about the shrinking supply of skilled talent – and they should be. There are more skilled workers retiring than entering the workforce. ...

How to Make the Most of a Multigenerational Workforce

Even in an economy where there are millions of people looking for work, finding highly qualified employees can be a difficult task. Keeping them is even harder. This is why the right ...

Strategic Actions for Integrating a Blended Workforce

Developing a strategy for an integrated blended workforce solution can often be a challenging proposition, and even more daunting to execute. However, if your approach incorporates ...

The Market for IT Professionals Hotter Than Ever

While the national economy in total is slowly, but steadily, gaining momentum, the technology job marketplace is as competitive as it’s ever been right now. According to figures compiled ...

Don’t Forget the Accountants!

The decision to implement a managed services program (MSP), or to replace an existing MSP vendor, should not be taken lightly. Your workforce is the heartbeat of an organization and ...

Effectively Sourcing and Recruiting Millennial Hires Through Social Media

Workforce demographics are changing. Right now, there are an estimated 80 million young adults (ages 18 – 29), commonly referred to as millennials, who are joining the workforce.  ...

Companies Update HR Information Software to Improve Recruiting

Human resource departments have utilized online recruitment services for years, investing in social media and job boards for talent acquisition. A new survey from Bersin by Deloitte, ...

RPO: Managing the Highs and Lows of Talent Demand

Recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) first came into play in the 1970s when Silicon Valley’s highly competitive high-tech labor market was booming. Those primitive RPO models consisted ...

Strategic Workforce Planning

When I think about complexities and challenges facing staffing, I think of it in terms of strategic staffing as an integrated part of workforce planning and talent management as a whole. ...

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