5 Workforce Management Oversights That Brazil Won’t Overlook

When it comes to workforce management in the U.S., clearly there are some strict rules to follow and labor agreements that have to be upheld. But as often as not, the term is more ...

An Industry in Hot Pursuit of Talent

We’re a society on the move — and an industry in hot pursuit of talent. In such a mobile society, our challenge as recruiters is to lasso talent and match them with employers as ...

Keeping the “Strategy” in Your Corporation’s Strategic Plan

In the old days, typically, corporations would engage in strategic planning by convening their leadership teams at two-day offsite planning sessions. The goal was to have the members ...

Mobile Marketing: ROI vs. Hiring

What comes first? Proving the return on investment of your mobile marketing or hiring more mobile marketing staff? Unfortunately, it’s hard to say. According to the results of ...

Response Time to Changing Staffing Market Conditions

When I was reviewing Manpower Group Inc.’s 2012 10K filing recently, a couple of risk factors in the report caught my attention — risk factors that are applicable to the staffing ...

Big Candidate Data Helps Your Staffing Company Win

What exactly does big data mean to staffing companies? Simply put, the ability to manipulate big data — big candidate data, that is — helps you find, manage and reach out to more ...

Is Offshore Support Right for You?

These days more and more staffing firms are taking advantage of offshore support for their businesses. One area that has seen particularly rapid growth offshore support for the support ...

The Chemistry of People

After working in the staffing industry for more than 15 years, one of the questions I most often hear is, “How do we make our recruiting/sales teams work more effectively together?” It’s ...

Cultivating Client and Consultant Relationships

When I worked for a couple of consulting companies, I found that what the companies were missing was the direct communication with their consultants. Being out in the field and seeing ...

Is Video Interviewing Worth Your Time?

In the world of talent acquisition, innovation can be a double-edged sword. A new practice opens the door to greater recruiting success, but it often comes with a price: Learning to ...

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