Is Video Interviewing Worth Your Time?

video interviewIn the world of talent acquisition, innovation can be a double-edged sword. A new practice opens the door to greater recruiting success, but it often comes with a price: Learning to use another new technology.  With applicant tracking systems, onboarding software, social media and new sourcing techniques, it’s easy for recruiters to get paralyzed by technology overload.  Yet those who stick with the tried and true are risking their career longevity.

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So what about video interviewing? Surveys by Aberdeen Group and Office Team have indicated it’s a growing trend, but is it a fad or revolutionary change in recruiting? Either way, here are four good reasons for recruiters to consider its use:

  1. It will increase your confidence in your candidates.  In an ideal world, you’d have the time and resources to meet every candidate face-to-face before you narrow your pool and submit your list to clients.  Video interviewing technology removes some of these logistical barriers, so you can interact with candidates and see their facial expressions and body language.  With a more thorough assessment, you’ll have greater certainty in the candidates you recommend.
  2. It will help you build trust with your hiring managers. Use the same technology to get face-to-face with your hiring managers. Converse and develop a deeper relationship by getting to know their expectations, their personalities and their culture. You’ll also build a track record and trust as you present candidates who are well suited to their hiring needs.
  3. It enhances the coaching and prepping process. This is an extremely flexible technology that facilitates high quality conversations whether through an interview, a discovery process with the client, or a coaching session with your top candidates. Use the same technology to prepare your candidate to hit all the highlights during the real interview. You’ll be able to provide feedback and constructive coaching to prove right fit.
  4. Small learning curve, big impact. This is one technology that doesn’t require a huge investment of time in order to become proficient in using it.  There are video interviewing solutions out there built specifically for the business of hiring. They are designed with easy interfaces for everyone involved in the hiring process, and tools that help you leverage the technology for improved recruiting performance. The impact in terms of confidence, relationship-building and reduction of logistical barriers is well worth the investment of time in learning to use it.

Small Details That Matter
If you’re going to explore video interviewing, there are a few particulars to watch for in the solutions you evaluate.  These are the kinds of small details that can make the entire interviewing experience more successful (and enjoyable) for all parties to the process.

  • High quality connection – There’s nothing more distracting than service interruptions or poor sound or video quality during an interview.
  • Solid support – Anyone can feel a bit nervous the first time they video interview, whether they are a candidate, recruiter or hiring manager.  A solid support team that’s available 24/7 to help everyone connect successfully can get the interview off to a good start.
  • Mobile app – The ability to connect to an interview by smartphone or tablet can be critical for candidates who are currently employed.  The ability to offer this option also raises the tech-savvy profile of the hiring company.

True, video interviewing isn’t for everyone, and it can’t replace the power of an in-person interview.  However, when it comes to in-reach improvements in the hiring process, this technology comes about as close to the ‘easy button’ as it gets.

MORE: Video Interviews Gain Interest

Michele Ellner

Michele Ellner
Michele Ellner is director of marketing at Montage, a leading video interviewing solution provider.

Michele Ellner

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  1. […]  MORE: Is Video Interviewing Worth Your Time? […]

  2. […] MORE: Is Video Interviewing Worth Your Time? […]

  3. […] Recruiters are finding that video interviewing comes with both hard and soft benefits. I’ve detailed some of these intangibles, like increased confidence in your candidates, and better relationships with your hiring managers, in a recent Staffing Stream blog.  […]

  4. […] In the world of talent acquisition, innovation can be a double-edged sword. A new practice opens the door to greater recruiting success, but it often comes with a price: Learning to use another new technology.  […]

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