Time for Tech — or Get Left Behind

If 2023 was the “OMG” of recruitment years because of its unrelenting ups and downs, we hope a touch of “FOMO” next year will push many recruitment firms to switch on to tech. As ...

Will AI Take Your Job or Make You Better at It? A Peek Into the Future

Like in almost all areas of work, rapidly rising adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) is deeply changing the recruitment and sourcing industry. As the world turns toward greater ...

Taking Center Stage: Empowering Women and Diverse Voices to Command a Room

Our world thrives on diverse voices. Yet, women and other underrepresented communities have often been unable to lead the conversation, particularly in the workplace. Changing this ...

“Reusable” Digital IDs: A Big Boost to the Candidate Experience

With faster hiring and a higher quality of candidate experience both key metrics for recruitment companies and recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) providers, the adoption of digital ...

Rising Tides of Labor Unrest; A New Era of Union Power?

Organizations are witnessing a notable increase in strike activities. According to The Washington Post, “This summer (2023) already has been marked by a number of high-profile strikes, ...

What’s Coming in Holiday Hiring?

‘Tis the season for holiday hiring, so we’ve rounded up the biggest trends to watch for as employers move into the close of the year. Our staff located in over 40 cities across ...

The Enduring Place of Contract Labor in the Healthcare Workforce

Over the course of the pandemic, hospitals significantly ramped up their usage of contingent labor and saw their costs soar more than 250%, according to recent data. In the aftermath ...

Closing the Digital Skills Gap: How Apprenticeships Can Help Future-Proof the UK’s Workforce

The UK’s National Coding Week 2023, a campaign week designed to encourage children and adults to learn new digital skills, kicked off last month amidst warnings of the UK’s ongoing ...

Is ChatGPT a Friend of Staffing and Recruitment Professionals?

Artificial intelligence’s unprecedented boom came only after the pandemic when automation became the key to coping with worker shortages and high labor costs and improving operational ...

a manager in a white office smiling at her staff

Navigating the Shifting Balance of Power Between Employers and Employees

There’s no doubt that the US economy is in a period of upheaval with a high demand for workers and specific skill sets, yet steadfast inflation hangs over the country. This disconnect ...

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