7 Tips to Hire Best Software Developers

Nowadays, it’s hard to imagine business without this or that kind of software development.

And more and more companies outsource hiring processes to IT staffing agencies in order to focus on the core tasks. It’s really convenient for them to address a third party that will save both their time and money. So, as a recruiter working for an IT staffing company, you get a list of requirements for a software developer they need. As first, the task seems pretty simple, but when it comes to finding the right expert, you face lots of obstacles. Where to start from when the situation looks desperate, but you still want to hire the best programmer for your client?

1. Websites are good, social media are better. Do not stick to job boards only, your ideal IT candidates tend to “inhabit” other places. Target audience is not only about marketing; it also concerns recruiting. Software developers can be picky about places to look for a job. Some of them consider job websites to be too old-fashioned, so they prefer to post their job requests on forums and in social media. So use social media to find people looking for a job — LinkedIn, Slack and, surprisingly, even Twitter can come in handy.

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2. The sky’s the limit. Remote software development is one of the hottest trends both for employers and employees. Digital nomading is blooming, and the vast majority its representatives are related to the IT industry. Some of the best developers can hide under a palm tree on Bali, but it doesn’t mean you cannot hire them. If your client doesn’t mind offshore developers, you are no longer limited to its area — so consider other locales. Also, you can offer the candidates a relocation option, which is beneficial for both parties.

3. Lower expectations. Developers are not almighty, but clients can forget about this. If a client is looking for a jack of all trades, most probably you will have hard times with getting one. A software developer can be are good at technologies in general but don’t expect an iOS developer to deal with PHP or C#. It’s better to explain this to the clients before they start to say nay to all your candidates.

4. Tech side. You are not supposed to know everything about programming. However, you cannot properly interview a developer if you have no clue about this industry. First of all, you have to know the basics. Prepare for the interview, have a look at the key notions of the needed industry to understand what your customer needs and to ask the right questions during the interview.

5. Talent doesn’t equal experience. If your candidate doesn’t have a long experience, it doesn’t necessarily mean that this person is not gifted. We all have to start from small projects and steadily develop. Don’t be afraid to give a chance to young talent you believe will keep performing with zeal. Show such candidates, together with more experienced ones, it’s your client who chooses the best match.

6. Haste makes waste. Closing a vacancy fast is a matter of honor for every recruiter, but the deadline pressure shouldn’t influence the quality of your work. Aspiring recruiters often make the same mistake — they choose the first available candidate who flees in a month or so, and the hiring process starts all over again.

7. “People influence people.” Referrals are important, but take into account only referrals of the people who can express their professional and unbiased opinion. Use your professional network to get acquainted with top developers. Ask your private network too, but do it carefully — cronyism is more of hindrance than of help.

All in all, hiring a software developer isn’t an easy task, but all the above-mentioned tips will help every recruiter to hire the needed expert. Just take your time and study the job market carefully — you’ll be surprised how many options you will discover.


Julia Kravchenko

Julia Kravchenko
Julia Kravchenko is an HR expert with more than 10 years of experience in human resources management and IT recruiting. She is a partner and HR VP at Qubit Labs, and a contributor to Business.com.

Julia Kravchenko

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