Contract Staffing Growth in 2013 Paves Way for Strong 2014

Last year was a big one for staffing firms, and all signs point to more growth for contract staffing in 2014. Political squabbles and slow economic growth in 2013 lead to a record-breaking ...

Managing Change in the Staffing Industry

Change. Like death or taxes, it’s one of the few true constants in life. And the more effectively your staffing firm manages the changes we’re experiencing in economic ...

3 Easy Ways to Keep Employees Happy

Sometimes the most effective ways to create a happy workplace really are the easiest. While large-scale programs for engagement and motivation have their place, it is also important ...

Creativity in Staffing Sales: Common Myths

Misperceptions about creativity and innovation are common, especially when it comes to their place in staffing. But creativity not only belongs in the sales organizations of all staffing ...

IT Staffing in 2014: Mind the Gap

While 222,000 IT jobs were added to the economy last year, according to TechServe Alliance, only 50,000 U.S. students graduated with an IT degrees. The IT marketplace is simply tremendous ...

Encouraging Engagement in an Increasingly Unengaged Business

A couple of months ago it occurred to me that we needed a change of perspective at M Force Staffing. We’re growing. We’re successful. And because of that we run the risk of losing ...

Forecasts for the Job Market in 2014

While the job market may not have moved as quickly as many would have wished in 2013, it certainly improved. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics showed 186,300 jobs were created per ...

Social Recruiting Tools: Threat to Staffing Firms’ Livelihood or Opportunity?

When you mention the term “social recruiting,” does your team get fired up or run screaming for the hills? It probably depends on their perspective. To some, social networks ...

Squirrel Moments

My black lab, Kingsley, is like many of his breed in that he has Squirrel Moments. He’ll be doing one thing, and then a squirrel runs across the top of the fence. Seeing this out ...

Train Your Workforce, Train Yourself

Staffing professionals know the importance of training their workforce. Job seekers who improve their skills have a much better chance of getting the assignment that turns into a full-time ...

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