Samantha Keefe
Samantha Keefe is the interactive marketing manager for AVID Technical Resources, a Boston-based IT recruiting firm with offices all over the U.S. She can be reached at samantha.keefe (at) avidtr (dot) com.

Opening a Staffing Branch Office

Company expansions are exciting, but it doesn’t mean that the process is simple. Creating an IT staffing branch office in particular is a complicated, thoughtful process. There is ...

Weird Interview Questions: The unexpected game-changers

No matter what field a candidate is in, they’re likely to encounter odd questions at least once in a while. In information technology job interviews, the likelihood increases a bit ...

How to Spot Untrustworthy Job Candidates

One of the universal banes of the staffing industry, no matter what field or part of the country, is the untrustworthy candidate. Most recruiters have a horror story or two about a ...

Help Yourself by Helping Others

After reading a rash of articles touting the miraculous effects of doing favors for others as a way of advancing yourself and your company, I recently did a little experiment: I made ...

Debunking the IT Industry Myth

Working in IT can be very different from the general picture the media paints of the industry.  Every time you check the front page of the New York Times or any of your other news ...

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