Cole Edmonson Cole Edmonson
Cole Edmonson, DNP, RN, NEA-BC, FACHE, FAAN, FAONL, is chief experience and clinical officer at AMN Healthcare.

Caring for Caregivers in a Virtual World

As the Covid-19 pandemic begins to recede, an important lesson learned for healthcare organizations is that their commitment to caring for caregivers can be fulfilled even in dire circumstances. As ...

We Won’t Go Back: Dismantle Barriers to Healthcare Practice

The pandemic has sent a clear message that artificial barriers to mobility and professional practice by nurses, doctors and other healthcare professionals are dangerous to our nation’s ...

As Pay for Staff Clinicians Rises, So Should Temporary Workers’ Pay

In the super-heated jobs environment for healthcare talent, a growing demand vortex is pushing up wages for core staff hires. However, pay rates for temporary clinicians have remained ...

AMN RN Survey: Workplace Pressures Grow but Sustainable Solutions Available

Rising demand for services plus a tsunami of Baby Boomer retirements and overall nurse shortages are creating growing pressures for registered nurses that will likely get worse in ...

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