Anna Frazzetto Anna Frazzetto
Anna Frazzetto is chief revenue officer at Airswift.

The hidden benefits of ESG: Are sustainable practices the key to retaining top talent?

As the way we search for top talent continues to evolve, environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices have moved steadily towards the heart of strategic business planning. Beyond ...

Reassessing our reliance on AI: The importance of maintaining fundamental skills

In an era where AI has permeated almost every aspect of our lives, a critical question arises: Are we becoming too dependent on artificial intelligence? The rapid integration of AI ...

Future-proofing your team: Dynamic training solutions for the evolving tech sector

In the ever-evolving tech sector, future-proofing your team is critical to ensuring ongoing success and adaptability. Rapid growth and constant evolution in the industry means that ...

What your allies don’t know: Enhancing understanding and support for diversity in the workplace

Creating a truly inclusive workplace requires more than just the presence of diverse individuals. It demands a deeper understanding and active support from allies. Allies play a crucial ...

Why AI won’t replace recruiters: Balancing tech and human touch in talent acquisition

Across the evolving landscape of recruitment, AI has emerged as a game changer. AI-driven tools can now automate tasks like résumé screening, candidate sourcing and initial communication. ...

Finding their voice: How we can coach younger people to grow in the workplace

In today’s fast-paced business environment, coaching young employees is crucial for fostering talent, enhancing skills and ensuring organizational growth. Young professionals, ...

Can AI help the technology industry be more welcoming to women?

The technology industry has long been criticized for its gender disparity. Women are underrepresented in tech roles, facing gender bias and often dealing with hostile work environments. ...

Taking Center Stage: Empowering Women and Diverse Voices to Command a Room

Our world thrives on diverse voices. Yet, women and other underrepresented communities have often been unable to lead the conversation, particularly in the workplace. Changing this ...

Creating Welcoming Work Environments for All Diverse People

Globalization continues to march ever onward, and today’s workplace is no exception. Employees hail from all corners of the globe, representing various cultures, races, genders, religions, ...

Staffing’s Dirty Little Secret: We Can’t Control Candidates

It’s official. We, the employers, lost. The candidates and job seekers have won. Despite the fact that we have the jobs, the benefits packages and the growth opportunities, they still ...

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