Challenge Accepted: Show off your workspace

Work looks different today from what it did a week ago.

Life looks different today from what it did a week ago.

Many companies have moved their entire workforces remote. A week ago or so, remote working was a nice-to-have opportunity for work-life balance. Today, it is a necessary requirement to keep the economy functioning.

Today’s workforce is not meeting around the office coffee machine, they’re not knocking on the door of their colleague’s office to connect.

We must now find different ways to be together, to lead and to engage our teams around the world. As humans, we need to feel this connection in a time of crisis.

Technology has taken a huge role in driving this connectivity. Social media is being heavily used, video calls have replaced in person meetings. Kids shouting and dogs barking in the background are no longer an embarrassment; they are the norm for now.

Until now, many employees have purposely kept their work and personal lives separate. Today, the lines between these are blurred.

Why do we hide our personal life? Why not show it off? Especially during these times when we need to drive connectivity and togetherness.

Pontoon launched the #RemoteWorkChallenge last week to do exactly this. To have colleagues, partners, friends and family around the world share what their workplace looks like now.

A bright spot in the days where it’s harder to find them.

Since launching last week close to 1,000 people have participated in the challenge, with another 800-plus being tagged to participate.

We’ve seen dogs, cats, kids, partners, backyards, artwork, and more.

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More importantly we have seen the personality of our colleagues and our professional connections. We’ve seen their home and family lives. We’ve seen the things that matter most to them.

“I have loved seeing my colleagues work from home with their families and pets. I’m feeling closer to the Pontoon community more than ever!”

— LinkedIn post from Julia Saul, Strategic Project Manager, Pontoon Solutions

This makes this potentially impersonal moment of separation very personal and shows us all that we’re in this together. If we must flip our lives upside down at least we can have a little joy and learn a little more about our colleagues and each other while doing it. There will be many hard decisions and difficult moments for all of us in the coming weeks and months but it’s also ok to smile a little and feel connected while the storm rages around us.

Do you feel up to the challenge? Snap a picture of your remote workstation, tag two other people and use the hashtag #RemoteWorkChallenge on LinkedIn or Twitter. See you online soon!

Matt Lauro

Matt Lauro
Matt Lauro is head of strategic products for Pontoon.

Matt Lauro

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