How to Use Applicant Tracking System to Attract Top Talents

488220149There are various ways companies might drive away talent and their applicant tracking systems could be a major offender, according to Forbes. While that may be true in some cases, that isn’t the norm. But there are ways to ensure your ATS is working to help attract talent to your organization.

Lively job postings. Great applicant tracking systems don’t compel organizations to post dry and monotonous job ads. Candidates dislike job ads that don’t have a human voice and focus exclusively on necessary requirements. There are several ATS designed to support your recruitment process, rather than imposing their processes on your company. You must search for an ATS that allows you to customize job descriptions, interview questions and other allied content. This will help your organization to share its real human voice with candidates in online job postings and all over the hiring process. Later in this post I discuss ways to add the human voice to your postings.

Sluggish recruiting portals. Not every recruiting portal is impassive. Many applicants dislike online job sites that compel them create profiles, accounts and passwords prior to allowing them to apply for any open position. It is also true that not all ATS establishes these roadblocks. Companies having ATS that support no-password, no-profile job applications are meant to enjoy unrestricted access to top talents and applicants also appreciate a user-friendly experience.

Robotic email campaigns. You can also add human touch to your email campaigns. Nobody likes dull, automated emails. The ideal ATS should allow organizations to draft their own response emails to be sent to applicant immediately after applying. Yet another complaint candidates make is when their application is received by the company they never hear from the company again. To handle this issue, companies should have an applicant tracking system that can be customized to support their workflows and track interaction in each candidate’s online file.

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Ways to add life to job postings
Getting back my first point, here are a few tips that can help organization to add right voice and human touch to their job postings:

Enunciate your company’s mission and why it’s an ideal place to work. People are expected to do their best work when they realize that how their efforts are going to be connected with a wide purpose. It is a good way to explain in job postings why a position is significant to how the organization delivers on its mission and brand.

Put the company culture on display. Providing insight into the company culture via JD can consolidate whether an organization might be the best place for them. You can offer links to the company’s social media feeds and website to achieve this purpose.

Provide a good insight of the role. Applicants are more interested in understanding what a job entails. You must keep the list of responsibilities fairly brief but give a proper insight of it.

Style and format matters. How you present the targeted questions before the applicant can also be of essence. Break up the chunk of information with bulleted lists, and with sub-headings where appropriate. Be human in the writing and always add clear instructions about the way to apply for the position.

An applicant’s first impression of a company begins with the ATS. It is important to write compelling job postings and using a system supporting your hiring processes.

MORE: How to select an ATS


Reena Gupta

Reena Gupta
As the CEO of TargetRecruit, Reena's focus each and everyday is to deliver the most comprehensive, easy to use and valuable cloud based recruiting tool for the staffing and recruiting industry.

Reena Gupta

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