3 Video Interview Tips for Internal Candidates

AA049409Hiring the right internal candidate for your client’s open position isn’t as simple as snapping your fingers. In fact, it can be downright difficult to determine which candidate is the perfect fit and who would be all wrong for the job. To add to this pressure, all eyes are on your company to choose the right person. You need a competitive hiring edge, and new technology is leading the way.

There’s a reason six out of 10 employers are utilizing the video interview in their hiring efforts. Video interviews can help you schedule, connect, and hire the best internal candidates faster than your competitors using a more traditional recruiting process.

While a picture can tell a thousand words, a video can tell more than a million. According to Dr. James McQuivey of Forrester Research, a one minute video is worth 1.8 million words. This means you can learn much more about candidates from 60 seconds of footage than in an hour-long phone conversation.

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So how can you use video interviews to connect quickly with the best internal candidates? Here are four ways:

Use Video Interviews for Easier Scheduling
You already know internal candidates are busy, so scheduling an interview can often be a huge hassle. Much like passive candidates, you can be assured internal candidates will have more on their plates than just an interview with your staffing company. This means balancing packed schedules, which can lead to more time wasted in the hiring process instead of delivering the right person for the job.

One of the biggest benefits of video interviews is their ability to be worked around any schedule. For instance, you can still connect personally in a live video interview whenever the candidate has a free moment.

For the busiest candidates, however, the asynchronous nature of one-way video interviews will prove to be a selling point. In a one-way video interview, candidates just record the answers to posed questions at any time and from anywhere — even on their mobile devices.

Video interviews don’t just save time for candidates, they’re also highly time-saving for staffing companies. In fact, research from the Aberdeen Group shows you can watch 10 one-way video interviews in the time it takes to do just one phone screen. Utilizing both one-way and live video interviews, you can connect personally without drastically re-arranging any schedules.

Record Video Interviews For Simpler Sharing
The sharability of video interviews is one of the biggest benefits for staffing companies. We already know one-way video interviews can be viewed and shared at any time, but live video interviews are also sharable with the client company. This is because live video interviews are automatically recorded so you can keep them for your records, or pass along the best and brightest to your clients.

This way, video interviews make it easier to keep the client in the loop throughout the process. The client won’t have to wonder what you’re doing, because you can easily share your hard work on their behalf.

Standardize Internal Candidate Questions
When hiring for a specific position, you’ll probably want to ask candidates a standardized set of questions. Video interviews allow you to save questions and present them to all candidates so you can standardize the hiring process and make hiring the perfect person just a little bit easier.

In one-way video interviews, you can dream up a set of tough interview questions and then send them along to every internal candidate to answer on video. By standardizing questions and receiving recorded candidate answers, you can better compare and contrast internal candidates to choose the perfect person for the job.

Your client wants to find the right internal candidate and they want to find them fast. Video interviews can help you keep everyone in the loop, connect with busy candidates personally, and shorten the hiring process.

What are some ways you can use video interviews to evaluate internal candidates? Share in a comment below!

MORE: is Video Interviewing Worth Your Time?


Josh Tolan

Josh Tolan
Josh Tolan is the CEO of Spark Hire, a video interviewing platform. Learn more about using video interviews for staffing and connect with Spark Hire on Facebook and Twitter.

Josh Tolan

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2 Responses to “3 Video Interview Tips for Internal Candidates”

  1. […] Hiring the right internal candidate for your client’s open position isn’t as simple as snapping your fingers. In fact, it can be downright difficult to determine which candidate is the perfect fit and who would be all wrong for the job.  […]

  2. […] Hiring the right internal candidate for your client’s open position isn’t as simple as snapping your fingers. In fact, it can be downright difficult to determine which candidate is the perfect fit and who would be all wrong for the job.  […]

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