Should Contingent Worker Acquisition be Managed by TA?

The trend towards increased preference for flexible work is now widely accepted. You’ve heard the statistics; 40% of the workforce will be flexible by 2020. It’s driven on both ...

What if data overload didn’t have to work against us?

The first challenge of workforce management has always been to find and retain top talent. With the advent of technology and the ability to gather worker data, many of us expected this ...

Risks of Relying on the Wrong Compliance Tools

RPO end-users and service providers might be exposing themselves to risk through an excessive reliance on spreadsheets. The problem is around compliance, and how organizations deal ...

How to Achieve Holistic Talent Management

The temporary workforce is becoming a permanent fixture in how work gets done. Just take a look at a recent projection from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Contingent workers  will ...

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