Tackling skills shortages: A lesson in defense

It’s no secret that employers across the globe are facing significant skills shortages. A growing gap between supply and demand of STEM experts in particular is hitting every sector. ...

Why you should double down on DE&I

You may have read about this lately, but the importance of diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace seems to be losing traction with businesses, C-suites are removing the positions ...

Diverse and empowered women ready for business

International Women’s Day: “Count Her In, Invest in Women. Accelerate Progress.”

In a research capacity, I am encountering some rather demoralizing statistics regarding gender inequality, pay disparities and a gendered future, among other topics. But when it starts ...

Shrinking the gap: How today’s workforce trends are empowering women at work, part two

In my previous article, I discussed how flexible working arrangements and pay transparency can help level the playing field for women in the workforce — which, in turn, benefits their ...

Shrinking the gap: How today’s workforce trends are empowering women at work, part one

It’s no secret women continue to face considerable career obstacles in the technology sector and the broader labor market. Numerous studies show that not only are women paid less ...

What your allies don’t know: Enhancing understanding and support for diversity in the workplace

Creating a truly inclusive workplace requires more than just the presence of diverse individuals. It demands a deeper understanding and active support from allies. Allies play a crucial ...

Addressing unconscious bias in recruitment

When recruiters make hiring decisions, they ultimately have to make a judgement on the people they choose to fill particular roles. While we would expect that these decisions are made ...

Can AI help the technology industry be more welcoming to women?

The technology industry has long been criticized for its gender disparity. Women are underrepresented in tech roles, facing gender bias and often dealing with hostile work environments. ...

Taking Center Stage: Empowering Women and Diverse Voices to Command a Room

Our world thrives on diverse voices. Yet, women and other underrepresented communities have often been unable to lead the conversation, particularly in the workplace. Changing this ...

Embracing Inclusion: Why Hiring People with Disabilities is a Win-win

October is a month of resonance, a time that marks the celebration of National Disability Employment Awareness Month. It isn’t just a month but an intense reminder underscoring ...

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