Must-Have Skills for Recruiters

ThinkstockPhotos-467882604Learning does not need to end for recruiters. It’s a general rule. The best recruitment professionals never stop arming themselves with new knowledge and skills. If the talents you’re hunting strive to be an expert on what they do, you should too.

To stay competitive in the recruitment industry, recruiters need to keep on upgrading their skill set to contribute to organizational success. Especially now that it has been found by Harvard Business Review that 80% of employee turnover is linked to bad hiring decisions.

Knowing how to contact, interview, negotiate, and offer a position is not enough anymore. Jobs are becoming more and more specialized today. Finding and hiring the perfect fit require a combination of analytical, logistics, and creative skills. Using appropriate tools and technologies to source for the best talents must be a necessity too.

Don’t get left behind with outdated recruitment skills. Be sure to update your arsenal to spot the best talents in various niches. Here’s an infographic from Manila Recruitment listing the top skills recruiters need to hone to carry on in 2017.



Ron Cullimore

Ron Cullimore
Ron Cullimore is a customer service and recruitment professional with Manila Recruitment.

Ron Cullimore

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